StarDump CLI


StarDump CLI is a command-line interface that unloads and reloads database data. It's found in C:\Program Files\Starcounter\StarDump.

The data is unloaded into sqlite3 files that can be examined or modified with DB Browser for SQLite.

All examples on this page assume that you have C:\Program Files\Starcounter\StarDump as an environment variable.

The general format for the StarDump CLI looks like this:

stardump [command] [options]

There are two commands, unload and reload, and both of them have their own options.

Unload Database

The unload command takes a Starcounter database and creates a sqlite3 file with the data. Running stardump unload without any options will unload the default database to %TEMP%\stardump-<database>-<date>.sqlite3. To specify the unload further, these options can be used:

The option values are case sensitive. Also, unloadtablesdisables skiptableprefixes and unloadtables if they are used together. string[] values should be space or comma separated.

Example of unload:

stardump unload --database default --file C:\Temp\default.sqlite3

The targeted database can either be running or stopped when it's unloaded. If the database is running, StarDump creates a snapshot of the database when the unload starts so that no changes made during the unload are included.

You can use stardump unload --help to get more information about the available options.

Reload Database

The reload command takes a sqlite3 file and reloads it into a Starcounter database. The basic structure of a reload looks like this:

stardump reload --database [DatabaseName] --file [FilePath]

The --database and --file option always have to be specified.

These are all options for the reload command:

None of these are have a default value except for --verbose which is set to 2.

If --forcereload is not used, the database should be dropped and created prior to reload to ensure that the database is empty:

staradmin -d=default delete --force db
staradmin -d=default new db DefaultUserHttpPort=8080
stardump reload --database default --file C:\Temp\default.sqlite3

You can use stardump reload--help to get more information about the available options.

Last updated