Primitive Arrays and Single Value Types


You can create JSON-by-example that contains a primitive value, object, or array. In C#, all of these are handled the same way.

Type Checking

To check the type of a Json-instance, use one of these properties:

  • IsBoolean

  • IsDecimal

  • IsDouble

  • IsInteger

  • IsString

  • IsObject

  • IsArray

var json = new SimpleIntegerJson();
Debug.WriteLine(json.IsInteger); // => true
Debug.WriteLine(json.IsString); // => false

Getting and Setting Single Value Types

To get or set values, use one of these properties:

  • BooleanValue

  • DecimalValue

  • DoubleValue

  • IntegerValue

  • StringValue

"simple string"
var json = SimpleStringJson();
Console.WriteLine(json.StringValue); // => simple string
json.StringValue = "another string";
Console.WriteLine(json.StringValue); // => another string

Trying to get or set to values of a different type will throw InvalidOperationException:

"simple string"
var json = SimpleStringJson();
Console.WriteLine(json.IsInteger); // => false
json.IntegerValue = 123; // InvalidOperationException

Getting and Setting Primitive Arrays

Values are added to arrays with the Add method. To get the values of an array, use ToJson.

[ ]
var json = new SingleArrayJson();

json.Add().IntegerValue = 1;
json.Add().StringValue = "foo";

Console.WriteLine(json.ToJson()); // [1, "foo"]

In the example above, the array holds values of different types. To restrict the array to one type, add a value of the type you want in the JSON-by-example. This value will not be included in the resulting JSON.

[ 99 ]
var json = new SingleArrayJson();

Console.WriteLine(json.ToJson()); // => []
json.Add().IntegerValue = 4;
json.Add().IntegerValue = 2;
Console.WriteLine(json.ToJson()); // => [4, 2]
json.Add().StringValue = "foo"; // InvalidOperationException

Adding strings can be further simplified with an overload of Add:

var json = EmptyArrayJson();
Console.WriteLine(json.ToJson()); // => ["foo"]

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