

Starcounter SQL supports five different aggregates: AVG, SUM, COUNT, MAX, and MIN. These can be used with grouping and conditions on groups with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.


SELECT AVG(e.Salary), MAX(e.Salary), MIN(e.Salary), e.Department
  FROM Example.Employee e
  GROUP BY e.Department
  HAVING SUM(e.Salary) > 20000

Using Asterisk Shorthand With COUNT

The asterisk shorthand is treated as a literal in COUNT. Since Db.SQL doesn't support literals, using COUNT(*) in Db.SQL will throw ScErrUnsupportLiteral (SCERR7029).

There are three ways to work around this:

// This throws SCERR7029
Db.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person").First();
// Using an identifier instead of * works
Db.SQL("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Person p").First();
// Db.SlowSQL supports literals, so it can be used
Db.SlowSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person").First();
// Linq can also give you the number of rows
Db.SQL("SELECT p FROM Person p").Count();

The first option of using an identifier to get the count best in most cases, both for versatility and performance.

Last updated