Static File Server


Starcounter comes with a built-in HTTP static file server intended for client-side files such as HTML, JavaScript and images. Each application can have several static resources directories that are creating one virtual resources hierarchy.

Static content is always cached in RAM, so you should not use it for video or other very large pieces of content. An external server should be used for such files. The cache is updated when you replace the files on disk.

Directories Added by Convention

When your application start, Starcounter support exposing static resources by convention.

For example, having this:


and starting the application doing this

C:\Users\JohnDoe\apps\app1>star app1

will add wwwroot as a resource directory explicitly.

Please note the working directory is what will be used to qualify the full path, so if you are in some other directory starting the application, you will have to specify the directory explicitly. See below.

The same convention applies in Visual Studio. If you have a Starcounter application project and run it from there, the working directory of the project is used to find a wwwroot and if such folder exist, it will registered as a static resource directory.

Application Specific Static Files

Application specific static files should be put in a directory with the name of the application. For example, for the People app, the HTML, CSS, images, JavaScript and other files that are strictly specific to that app should be put in the directory wwwroot/People. This prevents namespace collisions between apps running together.

External Dependencies

External dependencies, such as fonts, Web Components and other files that might be used in more than one app should be put in a sys directory. For example, the People app puts the Polymer elements it uses in wwwroot/sys.

Starcounter has certain files that are served by default to the sys directory which makes them available to all apps. One example is Polymer; even if it's not put in the sys folder of individual apps, it's still available with the HTML import <link rel="import" href="/sys/polymer/polymer.html"> because it's served by Starcounter. With this approach, we ensure that HTML imports only load each dependency one time.

For further instructions on how to add external dependencies to Web Components, read avoiding loading the same files multiple times on the Web Components page.

Specifying Static Resources Directory

There are several ways to explicitly add static resource directories to your application.

Working Directory

When creating a new Starcounter application project, the default value for the projects working directory will be set to the project root directory. Hence, adding a wwwroot directory to the project will automatically make that a resource directory by means of the conventions described above.

To be even more specific, you can specify resource directories in the "Command line arguments" under the Project | Properties | Debug tab.

Command line arguments:


By doing this, Starcounter will add that directory as an additional resource directory, in addition to a possible wwwroot as described above. You can specify both a relative directory or a fully qualified one. If you specify a relative directory, its qualified by means of the working directory, just as convention-based directories are.

Star.exe CLI

When starting your application using star.exe, the resources directory can be set for that application explicitly using parameter --resourcedir, for example:

star --resourcedir=C:\MyWebsite\Content c:\MyWebsite\PMail.exe

You can use fully qualified paths, or relative paths. Relative paths are resolved by using the directory from where star.exe is invoked (i.e. the working directory).


Resources directory can also be added programmatically in your code, by calling AppsBootstrapper.AddStaticFileDirectory. The first parameter is relative/absolute static resources directory and second optional parameter is a port on which files should be served, for example:

AppsBootstrapper.AddStaticFileDirectory("C:\\MyWebsite\\Content", 80);

To use AddStaticFileDirectory, add the Starcounter.Apps.JsonPatch assembly as a reference in the project. By default, it's found at C:\Program Files\Starcounter\Public Assemblies.

Specifying Multiple Resource Directories

In both command-line mode aswell as in Visual Studio, we have shown how to specify a resource directory using the --resourceDir option. You can also use this option to specify multiple resource directories.

Specify multiple resource directories using ";" (semi-colon) as the separator, like this:

star --resourcedir=thirdpartyfiles;images;d:\mywebserver\htmlutils app.exe

Mixing relative and absolute paths work in harmony. Relative paths are resolved as has been described above.


You can specify only directories that exist. As a consequence, you can not specify paths including characters not supported by the underlying platform. For example, specifying this on Windows

star --resourcedir="foo>>>" myapp.exe

result in an error like this

ScErrBadArguments (SCERR1001): One or more arguments was invalid. Parameter --resourcedir contains an illegal element: 'foo>>>', error: Illegal characters in path.

Directory Locking

Once any file in the resource directory is served using HTTP - the parent directory can not be removed or renamed. This happens due to file changes observing mechanisms locking it. To be able to rename/delete/move the resource directory - the codehost has to be stopped for that operation.

Last updated