Responding with JSON


Typed JSON objects are serialized automatically to the application/json format when returned from a handler.


    "FirstName": "Bilbo",
    "LastName": "Baggins"
using Starcounter;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Handle.GET("/GetPerson", () =>
                return new PersonPage(); // {"FirstName":"Bilbo","LastName":"Baggins"}

Setting Status Code and Description

The default HTTP status code for responses is 200 OK.

To change this, two methods are provided to the Handle class: SetOutgoingStatusCode and SetOutgoingStatusDescription.

In code, they look like this:

using Starcounter;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Handle.GET("/NotFound", () => 
                Handle.SetOutgoingStatusDescription("Not Found");
                return "";

It is also possible to change the status code and description by creating a Response object:

    "FirstName": "Gandalf",
    "LastName": "Gray",
    "Quote": "You shall not pass!" 
using Starcounter;

namespace MyApp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Handle.GET("/GetPerson", () =>
                var json = new PersonPage();

                var response = new Response()
                    StatusCode = 403,
                    StatusDescription = "Forbidden",
                    Body = json.ToJson()

                return response; // Body: {"FirstName":"Gandalf","LastName":"Gray","Quote":"You shall not pass!"}

The JSON needs to be explicitly parsed to a string using ToJson when attaching a Typed JSON object to the body of a Response.

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