Database connection string

Note: Starcounter 3.0.0 is currently in preview stage. This API might be changed in the future releases without backwards compatibility.

Connection String options

The DatabaseOpenMode enumeration values

  • Open - Opens the database if it exist.

  • CreateIfNotExists - Opens the database if it exist, and creates one if it doesn't.

The DatabaseStartMode enumeration values

  • RequireStarted - Expects database processes to be running, and won't attempt starting them.

  • StartIfNotRunning - Connects if database processes are already running, and start them first if they are not.

  • StartExclusive - Expects no database processes to be running, and start them if they are not. Refuse to connect if database processes are already running.

The DatabaseStopMode enumeration values

  • IfWeStarted - Stops database processes if they where started by the current application.

  • Never - Leaves database processes running, even after the application shuts down and even if the application started them.

Note: the Never option is not effective when the application process is forcibly killed with task manager or Ctrl + C. In this case operating system will kill corresponding Starcounter processes as well.

The ContextCount option

Starcounter has maximum of 31 database contexts available for allocation between multiple processes. By default, Starcounter application tries to allocate double as many contexts as CPU cores available, but minimum 2 and maximum 24.

The ideal configuration is to have a database context per CPU core. Having more database contexts than CPU cores might increase performance in certain concurrent database access workloads. Having less database contexts than CPU cores might decrease performance of concurrent database access during high concurrent load.

Use ContextCount option to manually adjust database contexts allocation.

Connection String sample


Last updated